Routine or annual sleep studies are not a thing. Your provider must have a clinical question that justifies another sleep study. A repeat sleep study is needed to (i) evaluate for a secondary sleep issue (not just a sleep breathing problem), (ii) change your device setting, (iii) upgrade to a different PAP device or (iv) to ensure a sleep issue is not missed following an initial negative study.

Below are some scenarios I frequently encounter in my practice that warrants a repeat sleep study:

Unable to tolerate CPAP following a home sleep test. Most patients do well on an Auto-CPAP device, but some may be misdiagnosed and require further evaluation in the sleep laboratory. This is especially true if a mask change or device setting adjustment despite adequate use have not helped patient sleep through the night with CPAP.

Recurrence of symptoms that led to the initial sleep study such as snoring (even on CPAP), waking up tired, or sleepiness despite using CPAP are a few indications for a repeat study. Weight gain of more than 10% from initial weight when sleep tested may lead to recurrence of symptoms.

Written by: Avinesh S Bhar, MD, a Sleep specialist in Georgia.